ADLIFE Newsletter
Issue 3 | December 2020
Welcome back to ADLIFE's newsletter! As we fast approach the end of the year, here's a summary of what we've been up to...
Highlights from ADLIFE
We held our ADLIFE Consortium plenary meeting of the project on 20th and 21st October. As is now the way in 2020, the meeting was held virtually over a video conference platform since we were unable to travel to our intended partner hosts, Region Jämtland Härjedalen in Östersund, Sweden. However, as we have all now adapted to our virtual meeting world, we were able to engage in two days of fruitful and interesting discussions about the programme of work via our video conferencing facility. Read more about our plenary here.
Where we've (virtually) been...
Since our last newsletter, we have participated in and hosted at events and conferences across Europe – virtually that is!
Karsten Uno Petersen, head of the Innovation Council for the Region of Southern Denmark, mentions ADLIFE in the following snippet as a good example of innovation and technology when reviewing successful funding in health innovation.
ADLIFE Presents at ‘Communication in health care - old and new challenges in the age of digitization’
On the 8th of December, the annually held HAM-NET (Hamburg Network for Health Services Research) Symposium took place, attended by 120 people. This year’s topic of the symposium was“Health Literacy and Digitization in the Health Care System”.
Our partners Optimedis took part by presenting ADLIFE in Poster format:
Missed these events?
Here's what we have coming up in 2021...
ADLIFE are submitting an abstract for the Medical Informatics Europe Virtual Conference in 2021, The paper will focus on the ADLIFE Patient Empowerment Platform.