Benefits for patients & their caregivers
A digital toolbox aiming to improve care organisation and health results
ADLIFE is a research project that wants to better organise care for patients with advanced chronic conditions. The aim is to improve their quality of life and enable them to remain independent at their place of living for as long as possible.
The cornerstone of this approach is a set of digital platforms, accessible for patients, their informal caregiver(s), and their healthcare professionals taking part in this pilot study.
What does the ADLIFE toolbox look like?
The ADLIFE toolbox is like a website, or an app on a mobile phone, where patients and healthcare professionals see how a patient’s care is planned.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the ADLIFE toolbox
Throughout this pilot study, we want to evaluate this new digital toolbox, assess how useful it is to patients, and what the effect is on their quality of life. Below you will find some of the ambitions we will test during the pilot and the ADLIFE features that will facilitate reaching this objective.
The ADLIFE toolbox aims to make it easier for patients and their informal caregivers to manage their disease in daily life.
What will the patient experience?
Reminders of what to do on a daily basis e.g. mediation intake but also goals (e.g. reduce smoking) and activities (e.g. physical exercise).
Tips on what they can do to feel better.
Encouraging messages to motivate a healthy lifestyle.
An overview of their progression towards reaching their goals.
The opportunity to share experiences with other patients.
ADLIFE aims to facilitate better communication and shared decision making between patients / caregivers and their care professionals. The patient can provide health information to the care team for better monitoring, all from the comfort of his home.
What will ADLIFE include?
Communication possibilities through chat, messaging and video interviews so that patients can ask questions and discuss different treatments options.
Symptom reporting.
Questionnaires to fill in by patients.
Measurements such as blood pressure or weight to be taken and introduced.
ADLIFE aims to support healthcare professionals to define and coordinate the best care, tailored to the patient’s personal needs and wishes.
What are the experiences of the care team?
The members of the care team who participate in this pilot have access to the patient’s health file and current care plan.
They can communicate with the patient and corresponding team members through messaging and online meetings.
They can rely on the ADLIFE intelligent tools that closely follow the patient's health status and make timely recommendations based on validated guidelines.
How does the ADLIFE solution work in practice?
The platform that ADLIFE has developed for patients and their caregivers is called the Patient Empowerment Platform.
Note: Some pilot sites may decide to deactivate some of the features mentioned.