ADLIFE is an EU Horizon2020-funded project aiming to improve the quality of life and independence of elderly patients with advanced chronic conditions through digitally supported interventions. Our innovative and intelligent ADLIFE toolbox strives to leverage integrated and personalised care, based on multidisciplinary collaboration and patient empowerment.
As people are living longer with chronic conditions, there are challenges with providing sustainable, quality health and social care services to allow people to live independently in home and community environments.
We already know that providing integrated care services has been identified as a key way to support people with chronic conditions receive quality care. In ADLIFE, we will take the concept of integrated care further by providing by providing a digital toolbox that enables
a more active role of patients and caregivers in managing their own health, encouraging shared decision making;
care teams in different care settings to create integrated care plans, implementing intelligent tools for clinical decision support, optimizing multidisciplinary coordination.
The impact of the ADLIFE toolbox will be explored within two prevalent advanced chronic conditions: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Heart Failure. Seven pilot sites across Europe and Israel will test the 3 complementary platforms that make up the ADLIFE toolbox:
The ambitions of the project are:
to demonstrate that the ADLIFE personalised care model can be deployed and replicated on a large scale in different environments;
to prevent unnecessary suffering, slowing down clinical and functional deterioration and improving patients’ experience;
to obtain improvements in efficiency by making a better use of resources and improving working conditions of professionals.