
White paper

Peer-reviewed articles

Conference articles

Book chapters

  • Interoperability Architecture of the ADLIFE Patient Empowerment Platform

    Authors: Gokce Banu Laleci Erturkmen, Mustafa Yuksel, Mert Baskaya, Bunyamin Sarigul, Alper Teoman, Gökhan Yilmaz, Esteban de Manuel
    Published in: Public Health and Informatics - Proceedings of MIE 2021, Volume:281, Published: 2021, 2021, Page(s) 936 - 941, ISBN 9781643681849
    Publisher: IOS Press
    DOI: 10.3233/shti210316


  • Digital health innovations - Good practice guide for obtaining consent for the use of personal health information for research and innovations
    Authors: Dipak Kalra (ADLIFE), Ana Ortega (ADLIFE), Lola Verdoy Berastegi (ADLIFE), Tima Out Anwana (InteropEHRate), Marie-Catherine Wagner (InteropEHRate), Katerina Polychronopoulos (InteropEHRate), Lukas Faymann (InteropEHRate), Katarzyna Barud (KATY), Luc Nicolas (OPEN DEI), Matthias Pocs (PHArA-ON), Roberto Scano (PHArA-ON), Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos (PHArA-ON), Erika Rovini (PHArA-ON), Filippo Cavallo (PHArA-ON), Gianna Vignani (PHArA-ON), Michael Scott (SHAPES), Eleftheria Iliadou (SMART BEAR), Idoia Landa (SMART BEAR), Itziar Alkorta (SMART BEAR), Giacomo Morbitelli (, Jovan Stevovic (, Guro Meldre Pedersen (DNV AS), Christian Hay (GS1 Global Office), Neil Piper (GS1 Global Office), Catherine Chronaki (HL7 Europe), Ricardo Matias (Kinetikos Health), Mansoor Ahmed (Maynooth University), Pier Angelo Sottile (Mexedia Health), Henning Boje Andersen (Technical University of Denmark), Kathrin Kirchner (Technical University of Denmark), Maria Christofidou (The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data), Alessandra Picchiotti (UNIdoc Srl), Theodoros N.Arvanitis (University of Birmingham)
    Published by: CEN Workshop Agreement

  • Qualitative research protocol as part of the ADLIFE international large-scale pilot project
    Authors: Janika Bloemeke, Clemens Moll, Jonah Gruetters, Fritz Arndt, Nerea Gonzáles, Ana Ortega, Dolores Verdoy, Oliver Groene
    Published in: Open Science Framework, 2022-04-08