ADLIFE Newsletter

Issue 1 | July 2020


Welcome to Issue 1 of the ADLIFE Newsletter, a place to find out the latest information on the project, events and announcements.

Welcome to ADLIFE


We are thrilled to set ourselves on this Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action project, under the call H2020-SC1-DTH-2019 – large scale pilots of personalized & outcome based integrated care, (total budget of 6,379,671 euros) for the next four years.

ADLIFE responds to the societal and health system challenge in Europe of an increasing number of people with Advanced Chronic Diseases, who are facing permanently or temporarily reduced functionality and capabilities. We aim to improve their quality of life by providing innovative integrated intelligent personalized care. Due to its multidisciplinary nature, ADLIFE addresses a broad audience: patients, healthcare professionals, healthcare provider organisations, health IT departments, and other actors in the health sector.

Our consortium is composed of 11 organisations from nine different countries, with Kronikgune Institute (Basque Country - Spain) the projector coordinator. We count on healthcare service providers and managers, experts in digital development of healthcare solutions and experts in intervention deployment and evaluation. The well- balanced ADLIFE consortium is our strength to achieve the main goal of the project.

We invite you to get acquainted with the ADLIFE project and get the latest updates on the project progress through our newsletter!


Who is involved?


ADLIFE will be deployed in seven pilot site in the countries below and involves 11 consortium partners.

KRONIKGUNE INSTITUT FOR HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH promotes and carries out management and organization of research on health and socio-health services in the Basque Country, Spain - responsible for project coordination and management (WP1) & evaluation and pilot outcome assessment (WP9).

UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE is a leading international technological university located in Glasgow, UK. It was named University of the Year 2012 and again in 2019, becoming the only university to receive this award twice. It will be responsible for Communication and Dissemination for the project (WP2)

THE UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK is one of the UK's leading research led universities, ranking 7th overall in the UK in the last Research Assessment Exercise. It is also a member of the Russell Group of universities. It will develop digital tools to create and deliver the personalized care plan management platform (WP3)

ODENSE UNIVERSITETS HOSPITAL operates four academic and community hospitals located in the eastern part of the Region of Southern Denmark, including Svendborg Sygehus which has the largest medical department in Denmark, and will lead WP7 which deals with the empowerment of patients, caregivers and communities.

SZPITAL SPECJALISTYCZNY IM A FALKIEWICZA WE WROCLAWIU is a leading center in the field of delivering quality health care for the elderly people in Lower Silesia, Poland Since 2014, the hospital has successfully implemented or is implementing a number of innovative projects financed by the European Union.

OPTIMEDIS is a health management company based in Germany which develops regional, multi-professional health networks. It will be responsible for exploitation of project results (WP10)

REGION JÄMTLAND HÄRJEDALEN Sweden is responsible for primary and secondary healthcare, preventative measures and dentistry as well as regional development in a region of approximately 130,000 inhabitants. In the project they will be responsible for the evidence-based personalized care delivery (WP6)

ASSUTA ASHDOD LTD Israel - The Assuta Ashdod public hospital serves about half a million people in the city of Ashdod and the surrounding area. It will lead on pilot design and implementation (WP8)

SRDC Turkey has been investing in chronic disease management solutions for the past 15 years and has a product which delivers clinical decision supported guidance to doctors for the management of chronic diseases. It will lead WP4, the patient empowerment platform and personalized self-management support mechanisms.

EVERIS SPAIN SL Is part of the Everis Group, that offers comprehensive business solutions covering all aspects of the value chain, from business strategy through to systems implementation. It will lead the development of the clinical decision support systems and early identification tools (WP5)

THE EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR INNOVATION THROUGH HEALTH DATA (i-HD) is a not-for-profit institute that promotes, develops and shares good practices, tools and quality assessments to maximise community value from health data for innovations in health, care and research. It will develop the project data management plan and take responsibility for overall information governance and ethics.



The project’s kick-off meeting was held in Bilbao on 21 and 22 January 2020, with over 40 researchers from 9 countries in attendance. The meeting made it on to a local TV news report.

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