The European Institute for Innovation Through Health Data (i~HD)

The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data (i~HD) is a not-for-profit institute registered in Belgium. It is a membership-based organisation with members from pharma, healthcare providers, academic organisations, and works closely with patient organisations, healthcare payers, the health ICT sector and standards development organisations.

 i~HD develops methods, solutions and services that can maximise the value obtained from health data, to support innovations in health, health care and knowledge discovery, while ensuring compliance with legal prerequisites, especially regarding patient’s privacy protection.

It tackles areas of challenge in the successful scaling up of innovations that rely on high quality and interoperable health data. It collates, develops and supports adoption of best practices in information governance and data protection.

Its activities include a Network of Excellence for healthcare providers, data quality assessment and improvement support, promoting codes of practice and expertise in sustainability and business modelling.

 i~HD benefits from core scientific and management staff who bring significant experience leading or being a partner in over 80 EU projects in the areas of electronic health records, interoperability, security and privacy protection.

Overview in ADLIFE

i~HD will develop the project data management plan and take responsibility for overall information governance and ethics. It will also be responsible for communication to the public and to other external stakeholders, including industry, and contribute to charting the organisational changes needed by healthcare organisations and different care actors in order to benefit from ADLIFE solutions



i~HD ADLIFE Team Members