Work Package 2
Dissemination and Communication
Work Package Lead: University of Strathclyde University and iHD
Throughout the duration of the project, WP2 will co-ordinate the dissemination and communication of ongoing activities to a wide range of audiences. When project results are ready, WP2 will also ensure timely Consortium wide dissemination of the ADLIFE integrated care toolbox and model via a number of diffusion activities.
To develop and implement an ambitious but realistic Communication and Dissemination Plan
To facilitate networking and communication about ADLIFE both to the scientific/technical community and the general public
To reach all the potential clinical, scientific, and non-scientific audiences (target groups)
To provide accurate and reliable results to inform evidence-based recommendations to improve the guidelines for providing innovative integrated care
To ensure the transfer of the results of ADLIFE into care practice
To provide health-economic evaluations to governmental bodies and policy makers
Activities and timelines
Develop a dissemination and communication plan: A detailed dissemination and communication plan will be provided describing dissemination and communication strategies and planned actions at all levels together with a schedule of the most important dissemination events. The dissemination and communication plan will continuously be updated and will include a report of the current status.
Timeline: Months 1-48
Set up project website and external communication tools: The project will set up and continuously update a website that will be the main interface towards the stakeholders and that will also act as a communication and dissemination channel for the project’s results and for involving and enlarging the stakeholders’ community.
Timeline: Months 1-48
Disseminate adlife results across the scientific community: To make the project results available at scientific level, the Consortium will disseminate them through articles in the main technical publications in the research fields tackled by the project, as well as via worldwide conferences and social platforms such as ResearchGate.
Timeline: Months 1-48
Dissemination to the public and other target groups: The different target groups to be contacted (for example, general public, healthcare decision makers, clinical, scientific and non-scientific audiences) will be identified and for each group, the route to establish contact will be chosen according to the best “marketing” strategy. The dissemination plan will include workshops, meetings and media channels as well as, near the end of the study, an international conference to communicate and disseminate study findings among key stakeholders including patients, clinicians, business, policy makers and other affiliated organisations.
Timeline: Months 1-48
Develop a roadmap for improving european and national guidelines and models of integrated care: A roadmap to change the recommendations by European and National Associations and guidelines for integrated care will be created
Timeline: Months 1-48
Ensure an open access publication strategy: All peer reviewed publications arising from ADLIFE will aim to provide open access to scientific publications from the project.
Timeline: Months 1-48