Work Package 1
Co-ordination and Management
Work Package Lead: Kronikugne
WP1 aims to manage and coordinate adequately the project at European level. Likewise, it is responsible for the achievement of the objectives defined in the DOA. Moreover, it makes the quality level controls of all products developed within the framework of the project.
To provide technical, scientific, financial and administrative direction
To drive efforts of the partners for the achievement of milestones
To elaborate a Project Management Handbook defining general procedures for the project management and quality assurance
To monitor progress to avoid deviations
To ensure ethical compliance
To comply with the HORIZON 2020 rules (financial, legal & administrative issues)
To organize coordination meetings on a regular basis
Activities and timelines
Consortium operating procedures definition & quality assurance: To elaborate a Project Management Handbook that will include guidelines for financial reporting, presentation standards for deliverables and reports to the EC, measures to ensure timely reporting, payment procedures plan and calendar, etc. This guideline will also contain the internal communication procedures with the aim of achieving the best results on the project execution.
Timeline: Jan 21 - June 24
Project coordination and day-to-day management: To coordinate and manage administrative matters and give administrative support to all partners for preparing administrative reports to the EC, ensuring financial management, the compilation of project deliverables, the periodic reporting and communication with EC services and Project Officers for purposes of coordination, progress monitoring and reporting.
Timeline: Jan 21 - June 24
Consortium meetings: To coordinate the meetings and teleconferences organized in the project, such as Kick-off meetings, consortium meetings, dissemination and exploitation meeting, review meeting and technical meetings.
Timeline: Jan 21 - June 24
Ethical surveillance: To provide ethical oversight, analysis, and guidance on all aspects of the ADLIFE project related to the patient recruitment, informed consent, and withdrawal from study, collection and analysis of data.
Timeline: Jan 21 - June 24
Data Management: To describe ADLIFE data protection framework regarding data access, protection and sharing. To elaborate a Data Management Plan and update regularly as project evolves.
Timeline: Jan 21 - June 24
Legal Management: To deal with all contractual and other legal issues related to the project, focus on partnership management and formalisation of updates of the work plan, roles and resources assignments as needed.
Timeline: Jan 21 - June 24