Work Package 3
Digital Tools to create and deliver personalized care management platform
Work Package Lead: University of Birmingham
The main objectives of Work Package 3 are to:
Identify new technical requirements for the ADLIFE software components’ architecture based on the particular clinical needs.
Adapt the existing Care Plan Management Platform provided by C3-Cloud architecture.
Facilitate development and deployment of personalised care plans to local systems including patient empowerment platforms.
Provide the necessary interoperability adaptors for integration with local pilot settings.
Assure the intelligent tools for data protection, safety and quality.
To do this, WP3 will contain the following streams of work:
T3.1 Technical Requirements Analysis and Conceptual Design
Analyse the technical requirements of the ICT infrastructure for ADLIFE, encompassing the integrated Personalized Care Plan Management Platform (PCPMP) and its integration with pilot sites and Clinical Decision Support modules. Use relevant IEEE standards to create a Software Configuration Management Plan, which will document the adaptation, a technical requirements document and a Software Design. Description to guide the development in other work packages. Design and build the overall architecture of the integrated technical solution for ADLIFE, adapting the modular architecture of C3-Cloud.
T3.2 Customisation and Integration of the Personalised Care Plan Management Platform Analyse interactions with the care model defined in other work packages and implement necessary adaptations to PCPMP to enable creation, update and follow-up of personalized integrated care plans for patients. Update and improve PCPMP according to the needs of long-term care of patients with severe chronic diseases and integrate Clinical Decision Support Services (CDSS) for predictive risk assessment and personalised goal and intervention recommendation. Customise the solution for each pilot site based on their specific organisational models, including implementing translated versions.
T3.3 Pilot Site Integration and Interoperability Develop the Technical Interoperability Suite (TIS), responsible for integration of PCPMP with the local electronic health record systems of pilot sites for retrieving relevant information from the medical records of the patients and providing them to the HL7 FHIR® based Secure Data Repository utilized by PCPMP. Develop the Semantic Interoperability Suite (SIS), utilised by TIS, for handling the structural transformation of local EHR content to HL7 FHIR based data sets and code mapping. Closely collaborate with IT personnel of local care sites to achieve integration
T3.4 Assurance of the Security, Privacy and Quality of the Tools Suite Support assurance that the technical solution is appropriate and fit for purpose, encompassing software quality, the General Data Protection Regulation and the Medical Devices Regulation. Implement security and privacy mechanisms to safeguard the secure access, processing, sharing and storing of patient information including electronic health records and patient generated data in line with GDPR. Analyse audit trails for electronic health records and select suitable profiles for integrated care. Support standards-based adapters for interoperability with the existing privacy protection and security mechanisms in pilot sites and incorporate the consent and opt-out requirements of GDPR. Deliver a data anonymization tool suite that can be adapted to the needs of predictive analytics algorithms to be developed within the scope of WP5. Create a quality assurance plan for software development and monitor its application.