ADLIFE Newsletter
Issue 5 | September 2021
Welcome to the 5th ADLIFE Project newsletter.
Highlights from ADLIFE
Although the summer months are often quieter while we all enjoy some well earned time off, work has continued in the ADLIFE project. This newsletter rounds up the insights from the project over the summer months and lets you know what's coming up in the next few months.
Our new ADLIFE video
We have just launched a short animated video that explains the ADLIFE project, it's aims, who is involved and what taking part means for participants.
Where we’ve (virtually) been...
In June, the ADLIFE project leads from Kronikgune participated in the 2nd Annual Federated Learning Conference presenting 'Can federated learning raise awareness of the deterioration of patients with chronic diseases?'
Click here to watch their presentation.
Team Publications
Take a look at the paper recently published by ADLIFE partners in collaboration with colleagues from 7 other EU Horizon2020 healthcare projects. This paper compared the ADLIFE system architecture platforms to support independent living of older people.
Click here to access a copy of the paper.
Latest Blogs
We have posted a few blogs over recent months representing the views of academic, technical and clinical collaborators within the ADLIFE project. Read the summaries of those blogs below but access our website to read them in full.
Our colleagues from the University of Strathclyde reflected on the Digital Healthcare Policy Agenda in Scotland and the potential for integrated health and care systems in Scotland. Click here to read the full blog.
In this blog, SRDC, ADLIFE's technical partner, describes ADLIFE's inclusion in the 'Health & Care cluster of Large Scale Pilots', a group of studies that aim to improve the health and wellbeing of people through supportive, innovative technologies. Here we learn how ADLIFE use cases fit into the clusters. Click here to read the full blog.
Meet the ADLIFE Team
Because the restrictions imposed by the global pandemic prevent us meeting up in person, it's important that we find different ways to help us get to know each other better. We've asked the ADLIFE partners to take part in Q&A sessions to share their backgrounds, their aspirations for the project, as well as some interesting facts about themselves that we might not already know!
Over the summer, we've got to know Professor Dipak Kalra, the President of the European Institution for Innovation through Health Data (i~HD), and Mohammed Omar Khan, who is the Lead Software Engineer and the Institute of Digital Healthcare (IDH) within the Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG), University of Warwick.
The ADLIFE webinar
Don't miss out on the forthcoming webinar featuring a collaboration between ADLIFE and SCIROCCO teams where they will discuss their respective studies in relation to the concept of digital maturity. This webinar will be hosted by the Digital Health and Care Directorate of NHS Scotland and will be part of Digifest 2021, Scotland's largest digital health and care event taking place this November, The exact date and time will be released soon.