Work Package 10
Work Package Lead: OptiMedis AG
The findings of ADLIFE have the potential to be scaled up from large scale pilots to routine practice; however, the translation of the findings requires a targeted effort. To achieve routine integration into clinical and managerial care, dissemination and exploitation of the innovation findings beyond the research and clinical community is needed with a focus on developing the business case for (commercial) exploitation.
The tasks and objectives of this workpackage are based on five key tasks that build on each other, augmented by the tasks of other work packages dissemination and evaluation provides the basis for both commercial and non-commercial exploitation. The key objectives are:
To analyse relevant policy and regulatory frameworks/standards relevant for the introduction of the ADLIFE innovation findings in routine practice in different health care systems
To analyse contextual factors relevant for the translation of the innovation action into routine practice
To host workshops to identify business opportunities resulting from the innovation findings
To organize hackathons to address opportunities and barriers to ADLIFE exploitation
To develop business plans for the exploitation of the research findings
Activities and timelines
Systematic literature search of policy and regulatory frameworks/standards that are relevant for the introduction of the ADLIFE innovation findings in routine practice in different health care systems and determine the future introduction of the ADLIFE toolbox at national level.
Timeline: Ongoing and repetitive activity along the project term
Analysis of policy and regulatory frameworks to gauge strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the translation of the ADLIFE tools into routine practice.
Timeline: Ongoing and repetitive activity along the project term
Qualitative assessment and analysis of contextual factors which are relevant for the implementation of the innovation findings on site in terms of staffing, technology level, organisation, and financing (in pre/post).
Timeline: Before the implementation of the ADLIFE toolbox (beginning of 2022) and after the implementation of the ADLIFE toolbox (end of 2023)
Hosting workshops with industry and SMEs to identify business opportunities resulting from the Innovation findings.
Timeline: Mid/end 2022
Organizing hackathons to address opportunities and barriers to ADLIFE exploitation.
Timeline: End of 2022
Developing business plans for the (commercial) exploitation of research findings (based on the Business Canvas Model).
Timeline: 2023