ADLIFE Newsletter
Issue 12 | March 2023
Welcome to ADLIFE's 12th newsletter, sharing our latest news and public engagement activity!
ADLIFE will be your daily digital assistant
ADLIFE is a project which aims for a better quality of life amongst patients with chronic disease and their informal carers. In this newsletter we spotlight the benefits of our project for these groups, and our approach to putting patients and caregivers at the centre of their healthcare journeys.
Talking Head Video 4: Benefits for Patients
Reme Vega
In this latest talking head video, Reme Vega (technical contact and data manager of ADLIFE in the Basque Country´s pilot site, Spain), outlines the advantages of the ADLIFE toolkit for patients and caregivers:
“ADLIFE is an application that will allow you to play an active role in the management of your health, taking into account your preferences in order to remain independent for a longer time”.
Patients will manage their own health with the ADLIFE digital tool, the Patient Empowerment Platform (PEP). The PEP enables patients and their caregivers to be informed and actively involved with the patient’s care plan and in the management of their disease. They will be empowered with tools to track their symptoms and feelings, helping them to learn more about their illness, and to follow medical instructions.
Patient-generated data drives our health delivery
Exploring the role of nurse care coordinator in our Israeli pilot site
Veerle De Wispelaere interviews Yanna Abramzon
The nurse care coordinator is a key role in the ADLIFE project, entrusted with the task of overseeing smooth communication between patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers, and in relaying participant experiences with the local project coordination team. We recently interviewed Yanna Abramzon, one of the nurse care coordinators at the ADLIFE pilot site in Israel, to gain insight into the management and coordination of participants at a pilot site trialling a new integrated care system.
“I keep a close eye on the daily stream of patient-generated data. If an unexpected change in the patient’s status catches my attention, I consult the GP so that he can check the measurement and take the appropriate action, e.g. adjust the care plan, invite the patient for a consultation. This digitally-supported information exchange enables a closer monitoring of the patient's health status and early risk detection in between regularly scheduled doctors’ consultations”
Digital tools will maximise patient independence
A Clinical Perspective: maximising patient
experience in the healthcare environment
Beñat Zubeltzu
Beñat Zubeltzu is a clinician from Donostia hospital (Gipuzkoa, Spain) who joined the ADLIFE project as a clinical partner of Kronikgune, where he contributes to the clinical orientation of the ADLIFE toolbox. In this article, Beñat discusses the experiences of heart failure patients in the current health climate, reflecting how integrated care and digital technologies are key to improvements for these patients.
Talking Head: ADLIFE Pilot Project
Rachelle Kaye
Dr Rachelle Kaye presents her perspective as the International Projects Coordinator for Assuta Medical Centers (Israel), on the implementation of the ADLIFE pilot project and the importance of integrated care for patients and health systems.
Conferences & Publications
This month the team have been busy presenting at conferences and EU events across Rome, Helsinki, and Antwerp. Below we highlight contributions that focus on the benefits of integrated care to patients and carers.
23rd International Conference on Integrated Care (ICIC23)
Digital aid for talking more about death and dying: incorporating advance care planning to integrated care management tools
Lola Verdoy
This work presents the digital aid for professionals specifically designed for Advance Care Planning. It supports the deliberation and implementation of shared decisions regarding future healthcare challenges when the patient is not able to make such decisions or when time runs against reflection.
EHMA 2023 Annual Conference
Deployment of SHARE model in ADLIFE project to encourage Share Decision Making in a patient-centred approach
Irati Erreguerena Redondo
The shared decision-making (SDM) model implemented in ADLIFE provides a useful way in which professionals and patients can be involved in a clinical decision. ADLIFE focuses on motivating healthcare professionals to engage in SDM routinely and promote patient autonomy, involvement, voice, emotions, and trust. The project can ultimately create an SDM culture and encourage and improve the ability and skills of clinicians to perform SDM activities.