Anne Dichmann Sorknæs

Associated professor, Research nurse, RN, MSc, PhD


Tell us about your background and current role…..

I am a trained nurse from the nursing school in Svendborg on Funen, Denmark. I am employed as an associate professor and research nurse. My main focus for my current research is Telemedicine and Family Nursing. Most of my career I have worked with patients with medical diseases, and from 1990 mainly with patients with chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD.

In 2013, I defended my PhD. which addressed the effect of video consultations with discharged patients with COPD.

I have participated in several international projects e.g. Better Breathing and Renewing Health. Currently, I have published a total number of 20 publications: hereof 13 peer-reviewed papers and seven other publications. I am the first author on 12 publications, co-author of another seven and last author on one peer-reviewed publication.

I have contributed as an author to 14 book chapters for health care professionals as well as being the co-editor on a book from 2018:
Sundhedsinformatik i sundhedsvæsnet. Sundhedsinformatikkens grundlag - forståelsesrammer og reaktioner”

(ISBN: 987-78-12-05457-3. Gads forlag)

In addition, 24 scientific abstracts have been accepted for presentation at international conferences, 13 oral presentations, and 11 poster presentations, where I was first author of six and last author of five.

Furthermore, I am the co-author of at least five patient education books or booklets and have made seven educational videos. I have accepted the invitation to speak at 15 international conferences and meetings. In addition, I have contributed to clinical guidelines for the National board of Health, EU nursing guidelines and Nordic rehabilitation guidelines for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), with an additional four publications in preparation.

Tell us about your role in ADLIFE?

I am the manager of Work package 7 (WP7): “Empowerment of patients, caregivers and communities” and the manager of the pilot site at OUH, Denmark. WP7 contains the identification, collection and analysis of patient and care professional needs, wishes and requirements to ADLIFE in order to ease the empowerment of both.

The objective of this work package is to enhance patients’ and caregivers’ quality of life and empowerment. I have found it extremely interesting and relevant to participate in the ADLIFE project as it concerns patients with medical conditions, including patients with COPD, which is a patient group that I have enjoyed dealing with for more than 30 years.

Tell us about why you wanted to be involved in ADLIFE?

The focus on areas such as empowerment and Shared Decision-Making in the ADLIFE project is particularly exciting and very relevant. The ADLIFE project is characterised by the fact that all the tasks and WPs are so closely linked together. This makes it a comprehensive project, where you gain insight into all aspects of the project, however, it is also challenging because everyone depends on everyone else getting their work done on time. I enjoy being part of international collaboration projects.

What most excites you about working on ADLIFE and with the Consortium?

It is exciting and instructive professionally as well as personally to work with professionals from other countries. There is a lot that is different in terms of the way we treat and care for patients in the health sector, regardless of which country you come from, but there are also interesting differences. So we can learn from each other.

Finally, tell us something about you that people may not know…..?

I am married, and I have an amazing daughter and son, two lovely children-in-law and four even more amazing grandchildren age 12, 9, 4 and the youngest 10 months respectively. I am so lucky that I can be with my grandson Oskar, aged 4, when we go to the gym together every Thursday. It is a great pleasure to both of us – not least for the proud grandmother!

In my spare time, I sing in classical choirs with my spouse, and we enjoy going to concerts, opera performances, the theatre, and art exhibitions. We have organised opera tours around European cities for a number of years.

When I need to relax and not even think about work, I make jewellery in silver, gold, real gemstones, and other materials.