ADLIFE Newsletter
Issue 17 | June/July 2024
Welcome to ADLIFE's 17th newsletter, sharing our latest news and public engagement activity!
International conference
Register for the “Equitable, integrative, and value-driven digital health transformation” conference by ADLIFE and i~HD and discover how to leverage digital innovations to create resilient and efficient health systems and how to improve quality of life in the management of long-term conditions.
Dates: 27th November 9:00am to 28th November 2:00pm
Venue: Bilbao Exhibition Centre, Ronda de Azkue 1 48902 Barakaldo, Basque Country (Spain)
Participation in the event is free, but registration is compulsory before the 20th of November 2024 or until we reach the maximum allowable number of attendees.
Social activity
We invite you to extend your networking activity with a guided tour of Bilbao followed by dinner at Yandiola restaurant on the evening of the first day.
Please note that a paid reservation is necessary to attend this social activity.
Report of pilots implementation
ADLIFE’s pilots have now been implemented and the related Deliverable 8.2 has been submitted to the EU review panel for approval. A major objective of the deliverable was to present the lessons learnt from implementing the ADLIFE Toolkit in different countries and contexts, particularly those that have implications for scaling-up and transferability.
The purpose of the pilots in ADLIFE was to demonstrate that the Information and Communications Technology (ICT)-supported ADLIFE intelligent and outcome-based personalised care model of integrated care is flexible and can be deployed and replicated at a large scale in different environments, and be trusted regarding data access, protection, and sharing.
No-cost extension approved
A 5-month no-cost extension of the ADLIFE project was approved by the European Union. As a result, the project will now finish at the end of November 2024 culminating with the “Equitable, integrative, and value-driven digital health transformation” conference in collaboration with i~HD on 27-28 November 2024.
Qualitative interview protocol
A qualitative interview protocol has been designed to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of the ADLIFE toolbox, as part of the final qualitative evaluation.
WP9 Leads (Biosistemak) and WP10 Leads (Optimedis) worked together to define the outcomes to be evaluated, as well as the questions to be asked.
Semi-structured interviews will be carried out to:
get patients, caregivers, professionals, and managers’ experiences and perceptions with the intervention implemented,
evaluate the main outcomes from the point of view of the stakeholders,
explore health professionals’ satisfaction and working conditions, and to
complement the information obtained by the quantitative data.
Latest publications
Authors: Gokce B. Laleci Erturkmen, Natassia Kamilla Juul, Irati Erreguerena Redondo, Ana Ortega Gil, Dolores Verdoy Berastegui, Esteban de Manuel, Mustafa Yuksel, Bunyamin Sarigul, Gokhan Yilmaz, Sarah N. L. I. M. Choi Keung, Theodoros N. Arvanitis, Thea Damkjaer Syse, Janika Bloemeke-Cammin, Rachelle Kaye & Anne Dichmann Sorknæs on behalf of the ADLIFE study group
Published in: BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
DOI: 10.1186/s12911-024-02588-y
Implementing digitally enabled integrated healthcare
Authors: Rachelle Kaye, Theodoros N. Arvanitis, Sarah N. Lim Choi Keung, Dipak Kalra, Dolores Verdoy Berastegi
Published in: Journal of Integrated Care
DOI: 10.1108/JICA-11-2023-0077

7th Plenary meeting
The project’s 7th Plenary meeting took place on May 21st and 22nd, 2024 in Glasgow, Scotland at the University of Strathclyde.
During this 2-day event, the discussions revolved around main accomplishments and plans till the end of the project, the experiences of the pilots sites and the technical partners, ideas for dissemination activities, the current status of each pilot site and lessons learnt.